News & events

Full Stack Antwerp

Antwerp, 26 June 2019

Pascal presented his talk at the Full Stack Antwerp Meetup. He talked about the design of our machine learning solution for Leukaemia detection and he shared some tips and tricks with the public to improve the performance of their own machine learning projects.

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ML Conference

Munich, 17-19 June 2019

Ward continues his mission to educate fellow machine learning enthousiasts on the hidden pitfalls they are facing due to the human psychology. This time he presented his talk “How UX can demystify AI” at the ML Conference in Munich. Are you interested to learn more? You can read the white paper in "More details"

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Deep Learning World

Munich, 6-7 May 2019

Ward closed the Deep Learning World conference at Munich with a bang! After a heavy day of technical talks, he was able to re-energise the public with his talk on how UX can demystify AI. He linked psychology to machine learning (ML) and illustrated that a performant ML model is only one of the ingredients for a successful product.

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AI 4 Business

Brussels, 14 March 2019

Ward presented his talk at the AI 4 Business summit. "For people to trust using AI models, we need to make AI models transparent and understandable. We will look at some example cases in the health care sector and marketing sector, illustrating how UX affects end-users perception of your AI models."

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